Saturday, March 16, 2013

Ides of March

Hey, Friends!

We’re just past the Ides of March.  Does time fly by for everyone else as quickly as for me?  Hard to believe! 

 Here are some March finishes.  The Prairie Schooler, St. Patric Clover is finished into a little pillow with a beaded trim.  

Next is Heart in Hand, St. Patrick Bird pillow with a bit of ric rack and tiny star buttons.

And finally, here is the March Word Play by With thy Needle & Thread, framed and now hung on my office door. 



  1. I'm not usually into St. Pat's day but that bird is adorable and tempting. Great finishes!

  2. Not a St P. fan either, or at least what the day has become, but gorgeous finishes, Charlene!


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