Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rejoice by the Trilogy, stitched by Gillie

The Trilogy

Hello, everyone, I am Gillie and I blog over at Random Thoughts From Abroad.  Many thanks to Charlene for setting up this blog and may we all surprise ourselves!  I recognise quite a few names here!  I have had this little ornament lurking since Illinois days - three? four? moves ago so I put the finishing touches to it this week.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello Everyone!

Hi ~ I’m Chris from California.  First off, let me thank Charlene for starting this.  It was such perfect timing as I began the year determined to FINISH two before starting anything new.  In fact, that’s one of my New Year’s resolutions ~ Two before New.
I am adding two pics today including one for February ~ just in case!  I love ornaments all year long so I'm going to try to finish them for their seasons. 

Warm Wishes
Little by Little Designs
2012 JCS Ornament Issue
35 ct. parchment linen with GAST threads

Des Filles et une Aiquelle
from Tralala
32 ct. Italian siena cream linen
 with GAST cranberry thread


Word Play Pillows

One of my goals for 2013 is to stitch the Word Play charts by With thy Needle and Thread.  I'm stitching them on 40 count Vintage Light Examplar with Gentle Arts Sampler Threads and finishing them off with chenille trim.  This is the December Word Play:
The January Word Play:
This is the February Word Play:
My blog:  Notes from Blue Hen Hollow

Blackbird Designs ornament

This is from the Joyeux Noel book by Blackbird Designs.  I stitched it in 2011, as charted, on a scrap piece of linen.  I finished it earlier this week into ornament form.
My blog:  Notes from Blue Hen Hollow

Prairie Schooler Santas

I LOVE Prairie Schooler Santas!  I've had some of these stitched since 2011 but am determined to make 2013 my year of finish-finishing things.  This is my pile o'Santas:
The Santas with the birds, like the one below, are from the Kris Kringle leaflet.
This one is from the Father Christmas leaflet.
This is the 2012 Schooler Santa.
My blog:  Notes from Blue Hen Hollow

Birds of a Feather Red Santa

Hey everybody!  Thanks so much to Charlene for setting up this blog.  I am hopeless at finishing but intend to get better.  I WILL get better.  I need to keep saying that to myself, because this is the sort of thing that usually happens when I go to do my finishing.  On my poor Red Santa, I sewed the wrong sides together and had to unpick my machine stitching.
I fixed him, and this is the finished ornament, stitched on 36 count Days Gone By with Weeks Dye Works threads:
My blog:  Notes from Blue Hen Hollow

January Finishes

Hey, Friends!

It felt like I had a little extra time this weekend since I left work early on Friday due to the ice storm.  These have been stitched since 2011... If you want to see the post and details, you can click on the link. 

Backing is the same as the little ribbon tie.

Backing is the same as the dotted edging.

Backing is the fabric in the background.  


Friday, January 25, 2013


First off, thanks so much Charlene for accepting me here. Do hope it motivates me more to get back to stitching, haven't done much of it last year. Here's a pic of one of my finishes this January & it is still open...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

January Finish

Hey, Friends!

Here’s my first “finish” for January.  If you click this link you can see that I stitched it back in December of 2011.  Today, it’s finished.   It is a  Blackbird Designs kit, named Joy, stitched with Belle Soile silks.  It was a surprise Random Act of Kindness from Michele, but I didn’t know that until some time later.   This is a fairly simple pin pillow finish with chenille trim, backed by the fabric in the background of the photo. 


Thursday, January 17, 2013


Charlene had such a great idea to start a blog to encourage us to finish our ornaments!  I'm bad about stitching them, but so much worse about actually finishing them.  I'm hoping to be better about both this year.  I might take a bit of creative license and extend the definition of ornaments to include decorative smalls, and also some punch needle projects I've been working on.  I already have 3 of those finished, but not "finished."

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My First Finish of the Year!

Merry Christmas
Threadwork Primitives
c. 2010
12/18/2012 - 12/19/2012

I managed to finally get this "finished" today.  It was cold and rainy so I spent quality time in the sewing room.  A lot more to go...


I am so happy Charlene started this blog! I am so bad about finishing things, as I feel they never look as good as others finished pieces. I am hoping this will keep me motivated to finish some things and one a month isn't so bad at all! Maybe I will get my mom's Christmas present finished this month! :)

Tracey in NC


I'm excited to join this "finishing" group!  Hopefully it will be the motivation I need to finish my small projects.  The stitching is always fun, but you know how it is, instead of getting everything out to do a finish, you just start another project.  Thanks Charlene for organizing :)  Can't wait to be inspired by all of the pretty and creative finishes!

Stitches and More
Hi friends, popping by to say howdy. Charlene's new blog is exactly the encouragement I need to finish up some pesky almost done projects.  Looking forward to seeing some of yours too!  Thx for this Charlene...


Stitched: Now to Finish

Hey, Friends!

I have been thinking that one of my goals for 2013 will be Finishing ornaments.  Don't we all have a basket (bag, drawer, cabinet) of stitched ornaments, but never finished?

Our goal here will be to finish one piece a month.  If you would like to join in this 2013 group, please send an email to me at the address in my Profile, and you will be added as a contributor to this blog so you can post your finishes.  You may leave your address in the comment, if you wish.  I will reply as soon as possible.

A couple of notes:
  • After accepting your invitation, please introduce yourself.
  • When posting, please include the appropriate Label, including your name, and if you remember the chart, designer, size, or other details of the finished piece.
  • There are many, many ornament stitching SAL sites.  This one is only for Finishes of ornaments.
  • Please don't break copyright rules:  No copies or downloads - links to Freebies are perfectly acceptable.