Saturday, February 2, 2013


Hi there from Australia’s Capital, Canberra. I found your SNTF link on Siobhan’s blog and recognize a couple of other names now I am here. It seems like quite a few of us have had the same thought this year after a couple of years of reckless ‘Crazies’ and the like.

I have no blog, but thanks so much Charlene for inviting me join with you guys to finally finish some of my finishes J

Autumn Pinkeep by Helga Mandl
from The Gift Of Stitching (TGOS) magazine
Valdani floss ‘Aged Black’ on 32ct ‘Olive Green’ linen
Stitched: Nov 2011, Finally finished: Jan 2013

I love the Inspiration and Technique page – my ‘hope’ is to try a few different styles of finishes as I go.

Liz of Oz x


  1. Ha, what took you so long, Missy? I am sending blog development thoughts your way.......!

    1. You can send as many blog development thoughts my way as you like, until you work out how to get me more time - "resist, RESIST" I say (LOL)
      Liz x

  2. What a lovely finish! That is beautiful lace edging you have used!

  3. Hi Lizzy! I love the thread color you chose the variegation in it. The lace ribbon around the edges goes perfect with it.

  4. What a sweet finish, Lizzy! Great job!

  5. A beautiful finish, indeed.
    Now, i wonder how to add the lace on the side...

    Happy stitching,

    1. Thanks Mylene, I stitched the lace on by hand after sewing the pillow, mainly because I couldn't get the placement of the lace in the corners properly when sewing it into the seam by machine... it was just easier to slip stitch it exactly where I wanted it
      Liz x


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